2017年7月9日 星期日

2017.07.08 AKB48 Fan Meeting in HONGKONG:跟島田晴香最後一次的見面

昨天是AKB48 Fan Meeting in Hong Kong的活動






Last Dec I went to AKB's handshake event in Osaka, but Shimada was absent due to sickness.
Then she announced her graduation this year. I thought I lost the chance to see her again. But luckily this chance came.
In the event, the MC mentioned that Yuria and Shimada actually asked for going overseas to say thank you to fans before their graduation.

<Report on my last Handshake with Shimada @Hong Kong on 2017.07.08>
As expected, Shimada's line was much shorter than Yui or Yuria (number of tickets sold was probably around 1:5).
Originally I bought 2 handshake tickets only, but I bought 3 more at the end to keep the line as much as I can possibly do.
Each ticket included the handshake and a signed A4-size poster (with the fan's name).

There were plenty of time to talk, probably because the line was fairly short.
My Japanese is not that good, but luckily the HK staff was able to make some simple translations.

I wore AKB48 Tokyo Dome Concert's Team 4 T-shirt from 2012.
And I hanged my phone on my neck, showing the 2-shot with Shimada in 2014 (when there was still no table in between).
I also had a cap with Shimada's name (my friend designed it for me before).

(I never wore this T-shirt before, because the Original Team 4 was disbanded soon after.)

(Ticket 1)
When I walked towards Shimada, she already took notice of the photo on my phone.
She felt very surprised and pointed at it. Then she even took my phone and asked a Japanese staff to have a look.
This was probably the moment when she had the highest tension.
She said she looked fairly chunky, and I said, "No, kawaii as always".
Then I said I supported her since kenkyuusei, and she thanked me a lot.
On the poster, she also wrote a sentence for thanking me to attend the 2-shot event before.

I said I listened to AKB48今夜は帰らない before.
She reacted and said "A! Miorin ga? Paruru?"
I said yes, and although I could not understand, I still kept listening to it.
She said she was very impressed by that.

(Ticket 2)
I used a different name for poster signing as I would give it to a friend.
And I told her that my friend needed to work and hence could not come.
Shimada wrote on the poster and gave support to my friend on this job.

Then I showed her my cap.
She was quite surprised and happy to see her name.
And she noticed the tennis ball in the design, and said "Tennis, love tennis".
Her shocked reaction was even bigger and I told her that the cap was self-designed.

Then I talked about the Osaka handshake event last year.
She said she could not go due to influenza and apologized to me.
I said it's ok and felt very glad for her to come to Hong Kong this time.

(Ticket 3)
As I already had a signed poster, so I said it's ok not to sign another poster with my name on it.
I said it's ok for Shimada to write anything.
But the Hong Kong staff said just write any name, and Shimada said how about nickname.
So I gave her another name of mine, and this time she asked me to teach her how to pronounce it.

Because the names were in English, I asked Shimada about her English level.
She said a little bit.
Then I said in English "Do you understand what I am saying?"
She said in English "Yes".
Anyway, I didn't intend to test her English level further, so we continued.

At that time, she was drawing on the poster, adding two circles on her hair.
She said those are "Cha Siu Bao" (BBQ pork bun).
And that's the 3 members' hair style that night (a panda look).

Then I asked her whether she tried mango pudding (which many AKB members like).
She said no, and asked me whether it really tasted that good.
I said yes, and told her that she must try.

(Ticket 4)
I said this was the last ticket (which was really the case at that time).
Shimada directly wrote my name without asking me (although there was an extra "K" written").
So she corrected it and signed another poster for me.

This time I talked about my feeling about her these years.
How good she is as an idol. How nice she is etc.
She was very carefully listening to me when I said these.

Lastly I congratulated her graduation and pretended to cry a bit.
She opened her arms and showed a hugging motion.
I also pretended to hug her (which I knew I could not do).

The staff and Shimada were all so happy looking at these.
But when I left, the security guard said he was so scared at that time.
As the next fan was still getting ready for the handshake, I did the long distance hug with Shimada again, and she did the same.

Then I said thank you again, and waved bye.

(Ticket 5)
Due to my friend's persuasion, I purchased an additional ticket at the end.

When Shimada saw me, she was surprised and showed a little angry face.
She said something else (like complaining that I lied) and I didn't understand.
Anyway, I said I was just kidding, but this was the real last ticket.
She still remembered my name although it was like 10 minutes after my last handshake.

I talked about the large ramen in the recent episode of Tofu Pro Wrestling.
I asked whether she actually finished it.
She made a small laugh first, and then said she ate a lot but did not finish it.
The ramen was delicious too.

I said there were also many delicious food in Hong Kong.
She mentioned Dandan Noodles. I said it tasted better in Taiwan.
Then she mentioned quite a few kinds of food (she really did some research).
And I recommended her egg waffle ("gai dan zai") and she followed me saying it in Cantonese (which is fairly difficult to pronounce).
The staff helped to translate and explained what it is, and Shimada had a face showing that she really wanted to try.

Then I asked the staff to help me translate and said I wished her being blessed in her coming lifetime.
And Shimada replied and wished me the same.

We had a two hands high touched, then I left.
When I left, she said "I Love you" in English.

And this completed my day of handshake.

<Some final feelings>
Shimada was actually sick yesterday (although not as bad as Yuria).
Her tension was really high when I used the first 2 tickets, probably because she didn't expect a long supporting fan in Hong Kong.
And I do love her smile. It was so kind, warm and lovely.
When I used the 4th ticket, and when I thought about it was the last time I saw her, I really had some moving mood.
But I am so glad that at least I can say some words to her in person for her graduation.





15 則留言:

  1. 4張島田小姐!本人對閣下的支持致以至誠敬意,雖然島田小姐不是我所推,不過她的努力及温柔,是我所認同及欣賞的,所以今次握手會我目光所向之處只有她,雖然只是小小的兩張(苦笑),島田小姐本人真的好漂亮(認真),能夠在她卒業前在香港見面,真的感到榮幸及感恩,最後能夠實現她在香港官店三週年明信片上的話,真的太好呢^—^

    1. 係5張 .....
      我睇人地機場接機時既相好似更靚, FAN MEETING時個妝同髮型一般般
      香港官店三週年她寫了什麼? 我沒印象了

  2. 對飯來說,自己推的成員人氣較低,

    1. 這個嘛都是其中一個重要因數,始終隊列人少,工作人員不會抓得太緊,會有多少少時間寫野,其次就是你的說話内容有沒有令佢想到要寫什麼。

    2. 所以每次握手會都好享受同人氣較低既成員交流
      話雖見面時光最重要, 但若果好似呢幾海報咁有內容, 亦有助回憶見面時既場面感覺呢 ~

  3. 每張既內容都好足料xd,
    btw, 幻兄 d英文幾好

    1. 可以話寫到花晒 XD
      一般般啦, 點都叫出國讀過書

  4. >> 睇到the security guard said he was so scared....笑左
    >> btw, 幻兄日文同英文都咁好

    1. 個實Q講完都笑左下
      日文係好左少少但都唔夠溝通, 同時英文又差左好多

  5. 內容的確是很充實很有趣,簽第三張的時候,她放鬆下來到畫自己的海報(笑),第四張的令人感動,她會作出那舉動,我會理解…但不會接受你行動的!!(爆笑)。

    1. 是我說話太悶所以要畫公仔吧 LOL
      不會接受我的行動?? 那我應該真的去抱嗎?

  6. 努力地看完 看到我也感動了

    1. 辛苦了, 真的不好意思
      每次握手, 遺憾總有多少的, 不過最重要的都做到都表達了

  7. 看到日程後,原來丸丸同島餅的最後握手会都可以出席
